Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I went to the Museum of Contemporary Craft last week to see the newest exhibition entitled, Manufractured: The Conspicuous Transformation of Everyday Objects. Some of the work there was really interesting and unexpected.
The digital prints and wig by Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir are amazing! I just love the details in the twists and braids. I've had long hair for most of my life, so I can't help but appreciate the work that must have gone into these pieces.Harriete Estel Berman's Alice in Wonderland-esque tea cups are also some of my favorites. They are made from old cookie tins, vintage tea tins and an array of other graphically rich containers. I am always interested to see what kinds of recycled materials people are attracted to and what they are capable of doing with those materials.This piece by Devorah Sperber was totally unexpected. When I was walking around the gallery I didn't even see the glass globe that I was supposed to look through. I was too busy staring at the color gradients in the hanging spindles of thread mounted to the wall. It added a whole new dimension to the piece when I realized that it was a Campbell Soup can in disguise.

I've been meaning to write something about the fascination people have with collections of things. This group of lipsticks by Livia Marin is no exception, it is totally mesmerizing.

If you haven't seen this show yet, you have until January 4, 2009 to check it out. I'll leave the dress sewn out of facial peels as a surprise!

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